What is Selective Mutism?

Selective Mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder characterized by an individual’s inability to speak in select social settings, despite being able to speak comfortably in other settings. Children with SM may be described as “chatterboxes” at home, but they have limited speaking in certain settings or with certain people. SM interferes with daily functioning, social development and educational achievement.

Services for Selective Mutism

We offer weekly peer groups, monthly 2-hour groups on Sundays, one-day intensives, and a multi-day summer intensive program. These therapeutic programs aim to help children with SM feel more comfortable, participatory, and communicative in situations they encounter in their day-to-day lives. Our SM team is highly trained in PCIT-SM, an evidence-based treatment approach, and works closely with parents, school staff and other providers.

We design our programs to simulate classroom activities to promote verbalization in the school setting, which is often the most challenging setting for children with SM, and arguably the most important. As such, our programs often include a morning meeting, a brief academic lesson, arts and crafts, movement/sport activities, opportunities for show and tell, and practice within the community. Our extended summer program also includes themed days and special visitors to allow for “brave talking” practice with novel individuals, in addition to outdoor play, as well as virtual parent training sessions.

We maintain a high clinician to patient ratio to allow for specialized treatment, tailored to each child’s specific goals. This allows the team to incorporate opportunities for children to practice specific skills such as raising their hand to share information, responding audibly to peers, verbally asserting needs, etc. Clinicians will provide you with comprehensive feedback and recommendations for continued treatment.

We welcome current, former and new patients to participate in our programs. A member of our SM team will need to determine eligibility for the summer intensive Club Confidence program.

If you or your child are struggling with symptoms of Selective Mutism, please reach out to Dr Joanna Robin at jrobin@westchesteranxietytreatment.com or (917) 608-5741.

Selective Mutism